Josh Groban is a "new" discovery of mine. By "new" I mean "less than two years". I guess it was a year or two since I got his first, selftitled album. I've never been much of an opera-fan, but I've always been fond of voices.
I first heard him when the album was released. Some TV commercial. I thought "God, he has a fantastic voice!" for about a month before I got my finger out of my arse and actually bought the album.
Then I watched Ally McBeal when he had his Highschool Prom performance. He was madly in love with this girl, if I'm not mistaken, and he was going to sing at the Prom. In real life, when someone does this (of course he was the goofy kid with the big, curly hair), it's a 1% chance of success. But, when you have a voice like Josh (then again, what normal 19-year-old does!?), you're bound to succeed. At least on Ally McBeal  . This was "You're Still You".
A while later he re-appeared when his mother had been killed, and he couldn't sing. Of course, Ally talked him into it and he did "To Where You Are" in church. Ally cried both times (my guess is if she had been 15 years younger, she'd jump his bones - but instead she jumped Harrison Ford's old bones...)
My mother, an old opera fan (liking i.e. Pavarotti and that bunch), was introduced to Josh (by yours truly) a couple of months ago. She called me up (I sent her a tape - sue me, recordcompany!) and asked who that guy was. I asked if she liked it and she said: "Yeah!! He's Italian, right?" I said no. "Mid 40's?" Still no. When I said he was an American 20-year-old she went silent. The rest is history, really, as she hasn't listened to anything else since.
I think it's the depth in his voice that 'does' it for me. Compare Josh Groban's voice to the voice of... Stephen Gately and let me know what you'd regard as 'sexy' - Stephen's little voice like thinning hair or Josh...