"I knew a man, Bojangles, and he'd dance for you..." For me this will alway  be the ultimate Sammy Davis Jr song. He had self-irony written all over him (like the quote above), and - I'll probably get a number of hate-mails for this - I think he was the talent in the Rat Pack. Of course, nothing bad to say about Frank Sinatra - by all means, he's a bloody legend - but there's still something about Sammy's voice that makes him unique.
Like when Frank and Sammy sing "Me & My Shadow", I can't help but
thinking, "Sammy sounds fantastic!" Frank is Frank. Frank has had a shitload of hits and everybody recognises his voice (at least those who have turned on a radio or been to a karaokebar since the 1960's), but my vote still goes to Sammy. The multi-talent.
 The funniest thing was when he did his parodies. Especially when he does Dean. *giggling uncontrollably* He was also a great dancer. The little (5'3"), skinny, one-eyed man. Watching him on stage is a true pleasure.
"When asked what his golf handicap was, he replied, 'My handicap? Man, I am a one-eyed, black Jew! THAT'S my handicap!'..."
He died 16 May 1990 from complications from throat cancer.